GreyTalk: MIGRANTS AND MIGRATION UNDER COVID-19: DEMISE OF SOLIDARITY, FAILURE OF INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY GREY Talk by M. Patrick Taran President of Global Migration Policy Associates Download QR Print QR
GreyTalk: “INTERNATIONAL TRADE: THE WAY FORWARD AFTER THE COVID-19 PLUNGE” GREY Talk by M. Victor do Prado. Director, Council and The Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) Division, World Trade Organization
GreyTalk: “THE MULTILATERALISM OF THE POST-PANDEMIC ERA:THE VISION OF CHINESE YOUTH.” Collaboration Between Greycells (Genève, Suisse) and IO-Talent (China) Manuela Tórtora. Vice-President Greycells Cécile Molinier. Executive Committee Greycells IO-TALENT :
GreyTalk: “LOOK BEYOND YOUR MASK :THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE PANDEMIC ON POOREST COUNTRIES.” GREY Talk by M. Rolf Traeger. UNCTAD, Division of Africa and Least Developed Countries, Team Leader of the annual
GreyTalk: “EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON”LIFE AND HEALTH BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER COVID 19 GREY Talk by Dr. Daniel López Acuña former director of the Health Action in Crisis of the World Health
GreyTalk: Communications in time of crises GREYTalk in collaboration with IO-Talent Exchanging views between Chinese and European citizens on how the Government manages information on
GreyTalk: “COVID-19: IS THE EMPEROR NAKED?” At the end of the day, how secure and how social is Social Security throughout the World? M. Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano. Secretary General of the International Social Security Association (ISSA). Download QR Print QR
GreyTalk: COVID-19: L’ACTIVISTE POUR L’ENVIRONNEMENT QU’IL NOUS FALLAIT? GREY Talk par M. Clément Hanser. Collaborateur scientifique à l’Office cantonal de l’eau de l’Etat de Genève Download QR
GreyTalk: WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE! “THE COVID 19 PANDEMICS IS NOT GENDER NEUTRAL!” An overview of the economic and social impact on women, particularly in developing countries. Ms. Simonetta Zarrilli. Chief of
GreyTalk: COVID 19 « NOW BOARDING, WUHAN TO BEIJING » Mr. Jean-Victor Gruat. Social Protection Specialist. In charge of EU projects in China since 2007. Former High-Level Official of