
  1. In the course of their careers, former officials of international organizations have developed considerable knowledge and expertise. This also applies to former officials of diplomatic missions and of non-governmental organizations.
  2. With a view to putting this experience and expertise at the service of the community in general, and the international community in Geneva in particular, GREYCELLS – Association of Former International Civil Servants for Development – has been created in Geneva. The Association brings together former officials who share the objectives of the Association and serves to channel the important resources they represent. It will respond to any request for its services, inter alia from persons, organizations or missions of developing countries, least developed countries.

Article 1

GREYCELLS – Association of Former International Civil Servants for Development – is a non-profit association governed by the present Statute, and subsidiarily by Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code.

Article 2

2.1 The headquarters of the Association is in Geneva.

2.2 The Association is constituted for an indeterminate period.

Article 3

3.1 The goals of the Association are as follows:

3.1.1 to assist the efforts of the international community in favour of development in developing countries, particularly the least developed countries, inter alia by supporting their representatives in the framework of international Geneva;

3.1.2 to identify and, where necessary, contact potential donors and put them in touch with sponsors of projects that are in keeping with the present Statute;

3.1.3 to provide assistance on request. Such assistance is entirely unofficial: it is based on experience, and carried out in cooperation with local public and private institutions.

3.2 The Association focuses on activities designed to achieve such goals through counselling, mediation, presentations, guidance, information and, where necessary, training.

Article 4

4.1 The resources of the Association shall include:

4.1.1 Donations, bequests.

4.1.2 Annual subscriptions paid by members.

4.1.3 Public and private subsidies.

4.1.4 In addition, any revenue arising from the services or advice provided by a member of the Association, as part of the Association’s official activities, in the form of participation or consultation fees, even when unsolicited, shall be paid into the account of the Association.

4.2 The funds of the Association are used in accordance with its goals.

Article 5

5.1 Any former official who has retired from an international organization, or any official still in service and not more than five[1] years from retirement, may be a member of the Association.

5.2 Upon request to the Executive Committee, persons having retired from a diplomatic mission to an international organization, or from a non-governmental organization, may also be members.

5.3 Persons who meet the above criteria and whose subscriptions are paid-up are recognized as members having the right to vote at the General Assembly.

5.4 Subject to a written request approved by the Executive Committee and full payment of subscriptions, the following persons may also be recognized as members:

5.4.1 any other natural or legal person interested in the activities of the Association.

5.4.1bis On the basis of reciprocity, Greycells may become a member of other international, non-governmental organizations with similar objectives. *

5.4.2 all donors (natural or legal persons).

5.5 The Executive Committee can propose to the General Assembly the appointment of an honorary President or of an honorary member.

5.6 Membership is terminated by:

5.6.1 death.

5.6.2 written resignation.

5.6.3 exclusion.

5.6.4 non-payment of subscriptions.

Article 6

The organs of the Association are:
6.1 The General Assembly;

6.2 The Executive Committee.

Article 7

7.1 The General Assembly is the ruling body of the Association.

7.2 It meets once a year in ordinary session. It may also meet in extraordinary session whenever necessary, at the request of the Executive Committee or of at least 20 members.

7.3 The General assembly is considered to be validly constituted whatever the number of members present.

*As revised on 9 May 2017

7.4 Notice of the General Assembly, together with the agenda, is addressed by the Executive Committee to each member of the Association at least 20 days in advance.

Article 8

The General Assembly:

8.1 elects its President;

8.2 decides on the exclusion of members;

8.3 elects the members of the Executive Committee;

8.4 is informed of the annual reports and accounts and decides on them;

8.5 controls the activities of other organs, which it can disband if justified;

8.6 names the auditors and election tellers.

Article 9

9.1 Decisions of the General Assembly are taken by a majority vote of members present or duly represented. In case of a tie vote, the President’s vote counts double.

9.2 Decisions concerning amendment of the Statute and dissolution of the Association are taken by two-thirds majority of members present or duly represented.

Article 10

10.1 The Executive Committee is composed of members elected by the General Assembly. The Executive Committee appoints its officers, to include at least a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

10.2 The term of the Executive Committee is two years, renewable.

Article 11

The Executive Committee is authorized to carry out all actions related to the goals of the Association. It has the widest powers to manage ongoing business.

Article 12

The Association is legally bound by the joint signatures of two officers appointed by the Executive Committee.

Article 13

13.1 The financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December.

13.2 The accounts are audited every year by the auditors appointed by the General Assembly.

Article 14

14.1 If the Association is dissolved, its assets will be transferred to an institution with goals similar to those of the Association.

14.2 Under no circumstances may the assets of the Association be returned to its members or used for their benefit.