GreyTalk: NGOs ROLE AND INFLUENCE IN DECISION MAKING BEFORE AND AFTER THE PANDEMIC Ms. Lidiya Grigoreva. Director of the NGO Liaison Unit in the Office of the Director General of the United
GreyTalk: Will the post-pandemic era strengthen multilateralism? Mr. Michael Møller Former Director General of the United Nations Office in Geneva(UNOG). Member of the Kofi Annan Foundation
GreyTalk: How discipline and monitoring are applied in Singapore to avoid contagion of the virus, and how “democratic” and “respectful of human rights “are these measures? Ms. Carolina Rodriguez. CEO Delucidar (Singapore) Former Head of the Perception Change Program at the United Nations Office in
GREY Talks The time is conducive to reflection so Greycells has started a project named “GREY TALKS” to facilitate and promote
INTERGENERATIONAL DIALOGUE: 100 YEARS OF INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE (2019) This intergenerational dialogue focused on the origins, main features and current political challenges of the International Civil Service (ICS).